Enjoy Israel with us by following the Steps of Jesus, as if you were walking with Him 2,000 years ago. Tour the places where he lived. Only by visiting the Galilee you can truly understand, in depth, the meaning of the rich history that happened in this very place. This destination is a must for all cruise
excursions and travelling tourists that hope to learn more about their history and enjoy beautiful surroundings.
We pass through the Valley of Armageddon, observing the most famous future last Battlefield in the Christian tradition (Revelations 16,16), heading toward Nazareth.

This is the place where Mary received the Annunciation and Jesus was raised as a child, grew up in wisdom, until he was 30 years old. You visit the Church of Annunciation, located at the center of the ancient 2,000-year-old ruins of Nazareth, and see the “Grotto” which traditionally was Mary’s house.
A small walk in the contemporary city of Nazareth is perfect to enjoy the ambiance, see the places where Jesus walked through 2,000 years ago, and you realize that you’re in Jesus’ hometown, where he prepared himself for the big mission later.
We continue to the east, heading to the “Land of Jesus“, located in the north-western part of the Sea of Galilee. Two thirds of the New Testament took place in this area.
One of the most significant events in every Christian life, is the Sermon on the Mount. Your visit to the Mount of Beatitudes is going to be remembered forever. While looking at the panoramic view around, that is the same as Jesus saw, you realize the Geographic political issues in his time, the area that he lived for three years, finding the peace and quiet to get a moment of pray.
Our tour passes by shores of the Sea of Galilee and visit Tabaha area, the Town of Jesus, and Capernaum. On the way back to Haifa, we make sure to drop by the baptismal site at the Jordan River, located around the site where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
We finish our day with a beautiful panoramic view of the city of Haifa from the enchanting Baha’i Gardens and admire the scenery.
Alternative: You may opt for a visit to the ancient Magdala, revealing yet another facet of Jesus’ Jewish life at His time as we stand on the same floor where Jesus stood.